Tuesday, July 17, 2012

James Brown Vs. Beyonce

Prof. Lamas handed the class over to Prof. Shannon Lundeen for today and tomorrow. She started the class with two videos. The first video was James Brown's "A Man's World". The class then shared their thoughts on the message of the song. We said that it could mean that men are responsible for everything we have, they are the producers of the world. They have all of these accomplishments, yet without a woman in their lives, none of it matters. Some people said the women were just needed to make more men, while others said they were there to fill a void in men's lives. The second video we watched was Beyonce's "Girls Run the World". Somebody said this was a really assertive approach to women empowerment. Another comment was that most women who have power in music videos usually attain it sexually. It was portraying the idea that women really only have power in the bedroom, outside of the bedroom the power belongs to the man. The remainder of the class time was used to pick apart the differences between sex and gender.

For lunch, Chloe and I grabbed our food and came back to my dorm. After about an hour and a half of laying on my bed and talking, we decided it was time to head to class. For this portion of the class we talked mostly about human rights. The subordinate topics were the benefits of rights, when rights are inadequate for justice, and the concepts utilized in expressing competing rights claims and frameworks for justice. We ended the class with a documentary about how the workers of the Levi's Jeans Co. are being exploited all over the world, and it examined what human rights the workers have and how they used them to their advantage.

Chloe and I ate dinner at Houston Market, and then returned to my room. We read the assigned readings for tomorrow's class, and we discussed them a bit. The rest of the evening was spent enjoying the free time I had. Today is Tuesday so that means RC meetings! We talked about the usual stuff, like when is floor and room time. Caroline, my RC, informed us that they were able to get movie tickets to "The Dark Knight"! I'm so excited to see this movie!

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