As soon as I got in bed last night I fell asleep, and what felt like two seconds later, my alarm rang. It felt like two seconds, but in reality it had been six and a half hours. So it was 6:30 AM when we were all, with the exception of Chloe, in the hotel's fitness center. Now that may seem like an ordinary thing to do in the morning right? Well do not forget that just yesterday at 2:45 AM we were at ECHS, and we had not slept since then, yet we still got up at 6:30 AM on our own! I think that is mighty impressive!
At 8:30 AM, after we had all cleaned up from all the hard work in the gym, we met with our chaperone for breakfast. The hotel offered complimentary breakfast on the second floor, and everybody seemed pretty pleased with it. We then made our way to the Admissions building to check in for our morning session. Since we are staying on campus at the Charles F. Knight Center it was only about a five minute walk. The walk felt quite nice for two reasons, one, because it was early so the sun wasn't too hot yet, and two, because we were able to see some of the campus on our own.
At 10 AM, we were guided on over to where the information session would be. The information session ws, of course, very informative. I was expecting an hour of boring information, but to my surprise it was quite enthralling. There were two speakers, and when each of them spoke it was as though they were speaking to you directly. As if you two were the only ones in the room. If they took a speech class then may I take a second to say "Great Job!" to their professor. Every topic they talked about, they made sure we had enough information to feel confident on that certain topic. Anyways, the information session ended a bit after 11, and was promptly followed by the tour. Our tour guide, Elizabeth Chenn, was astounding. By no the sun was pretty high up in the sky, so it was HOT. It was making us all feel a bit droopy, but it had no effect on our tour guide. She was so perky and bubbly, it just made you want to join in on her wonderful mood. The tour lasted about an hour, maybe a bit less. We are the first batch of ILCers to ever come to WashU, so it is up to us to report back to everybody. Well, everybody, it is absolutely magnificent. This school is beautiful. Everything from their flexibility with majors to their lawns is perfect. Haha, I think it is quite obvious that I really like this school, but who wouldn't?
At around 6:25 PM, we made our way over to Tony's. The restaurant was kind of hard to find, we had to go through two sets of doors, and it still didn't quite look like a restaurant. Once we were seated, menus were passed out. We probably understood what four or five dishes on the menu were, but it was okay because our waiter for the night was glad to help us out. We shared our appetizer which consisted of the best scallop I have ever tasted, the best shrimp I've ever tasted, and the best pasta I have ever tasted. After we all finished praising our appetizer, our main dish was brought to us. I ordered the grilled scampi and lobster leg with a mustard sauce. To keep it short, my taste buds were having a lot of fun. We were all extremely excited when our desserts came out, so imagine how we felt when we actually ate them. If my taste buds had fun with my main dish, then they went absolutely crazy wild with my dessert. It was the best dessert I've ever ate. Tony's I give you an A+!
Grilled Scampi and Lobster legs with a mustard sauce |
My side: potatoes
Slightly warmed brown butter almond torte with a caramel praline ice cream and caramel sauce