Saturday, March 31, 2012
Training Day
First Timer

Happier Returns
Refresher Course
I pulled into the Hercules High parking lot amidst a deluge of rain. After running the gauntlet from the car to the computer lab, I was able to grab a seat and relax. Molly Radosevich and I arrived about 20 minutes early, expecting to be some of the first people there, but there were already several other students sitting patiently at their computers waiting for the tutorial to begin. As a second-year ILC student, I should have known better–in the ILC, people learn to arrive early to every event.
Don’s tutorial covered many topics, including but not limited to everything we might ever want or need to know about blogging. After demonstrating on his own computer skills such as uploading photos, manipulating text, and the proper way to format a post, he allowed to do some hands-on practice. Although I blogged for the ILC last summer, I still found this to be one of the most helpful parts of the tutorial, as it gave me a chance to recall how everything worked. I’ve never been the best with computers, and while last summer was an excellent learning experience, I can always use more practice.
After discussing in-depth the different aspects of blogging and photo manipulation, Don gave a summary of what was to be expected of us as representatives of the WCCUSD and the Ivy League Connection. He also covered some of what to expect during our trips back east. Although I am comfortable with the ILC process after last year’s trip to Brown, Don’s speech reminded me of how lucky I was to be able to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity not once, but twice. I’m eager to experience the East Coast again, this time in a different area at a different university with different people. I could not be headed off to Penn soon enough.